Barking Good Noms!!

Apparently humans always say that it’s ‘better late than never’. I have no idea why they think that might apply to anything related to a dog because us dogs always want things now, not in 5 minutes and most certainly not in 10 minutes. Walk? Food? Treat? Now. Not later. Got it? Good. And when someone has been kind enough to send me some free goodies to try I think they should just drop everything and give it all their attention straight away.

Anyway, OVER a month ago, while mum and dad were away on holiday, I did a retweet competition to win some doggy treats from Barking Bakery and I was one of the lucky winners! Luckily they were due back home very soon and actually arrived back on the very same day as my parcel of goodies was delivered! Almost too much excitement for a spaniel! I’d not seen my humans for two whole weeks but then I also couldn’t wait to get the lid off the box…


At last, with a bit of help from mum (my paws just can’t manage boxes) I was in and I gave the contents a good sniff. Apple Twists and Doggie Donuts. All made with care and love by Ma King at the Barking Bakery.


Look, you can see in the packets now – and very nice packaging it was too… with cute little windows so I could see what was in each one.


Mum asked me to choose which packet I wanted to try first – I went for the Apple Twists. I’m rather fond of apple and of course being a health conscious pup I like to make sure I get my 5 a day!


Ooh, absolutely scrummy delicious – can you believe that she wanted me to pose like this with my mouth open? I managed it for a millisecond before I grabbed that treat and munched and swallowed. And then I had another one…


I don’t know why I’m not allowed to eat them all in one go. Leaving them uneaten means that they’re fair game for the cat.. yes, the cat. She seems to like stealing my treats – I think she’s just jealous because she never wins anything.


Yes she actually ate some of the apple twist and would probably have had a go at a Doggie Donut if I’d not chased her out of the kitchen.


They’re mine, all mine and they all look totally delicious. Look, I’ve made this picture bigger so you can see that the label says that they are ‘only for dogs and puppies’. Yup, no mention of cats or kittens at all. Got it Pickle?


Taste test time… what, there were 6? No I think you’re mistaken… there were only 5 in the packet. Honest mum, I wouldn’t dream of stealing a treat.


Quick, quick… that darned cat is back.


OK… I shall sniff each one with care… hmmm, they all smell really delicious and to be honest they’re just one bite each and I’m pretty sure I could manage to eat all of them one after the other.


It’s a good job you can’t see the puddle of drool on the kitchen floor… while I was ‘deciding’ which one to eat.


I chose the pink one.. and then a carob one and then… they got put in a tupperware container in the fridge. What? Never mind that my tummy still had room for more, I was told I had to save some for the next day.

Anyway, I have to woof that they were all really yummy and mum told me that they’re all really healthy and made using human grade vegetarian ingredients… and none of those nasty preservatives, additives or sweeteners. That also means that they don’t keep for weeks and weeks so it’s best to eat them up really fast, though not as fast as I’d have liked.

So I’d like to give a great big woofing thank you to Barking Bakery for choosing me as one of the winners of your competition.

As well as Apple Twists and Doggie Donuts they also make Blueberry Bark, Brown Bears, Camomile Stars, Pizza Pies, Nut Bars… and more… they all sound totally yummy and if you have a look here you can see pictures and drool over them too. Check out the Happy Tails – treats for hounds to share with their humans – now I think they sound like an excellent idea, just perfect for a Saturday night in front of the telly lounging on the sofa, as long as you make sure the humans don’t eat too many!




~ by Dolly on April 2, 2016.

5 Responses to “Barking Good Noms!!”

  1. Brilliant and canny as ever, Teagie!! xxxx

  2. Lucky you! I wouldn’t be able to eat some of those (like the Donuts) as I have to have low fat of 4% or less. Make sure that cat doesn’t steal them!

    • That’s tough on you, I guess that means no pigs ears…. and t’s probably why I wasn’t allowed to eat them all at once! Luckily the cat’s mouth was too small to fit one in.. she just managed little bits of the apple ones.

  3. Yummers….i be pikkin me teef wiv da bones of dat cat if it not be careful my pal…

    • I’m with you on that one… but the humans don’t like it when I make like I want to eat the cat. Pfft… darned thing should keep away from my noms! And give me all her toys BOL.

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